
Hamilton Performing Arts Center was more than half full on the evening of September 6, 2024 when Nobel Co-Recipient Dr. Steve Running presented an informative, witty and insightful lecture on climate change. Moderator Russ Lawrence fielded excellent questions from the audience. Thanks to all who attended, and to project manager John Schneeberger for an outstanding job on this major BCAG project for 2024. Read more about the evening in the Bitterroot Star.
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In 2024 BCAG distributed thousands of dollars worth of HEPA filters

Seniors and/or medically challenged individuals and households have received a total of 45 HEPA portable room purifers for this year's fire season at no charge to them through private contributions and a generous grant from the Rapp Family Foundation.

This sustainable program (BCAG also makes replacement filters at no additional charge) is one of the ways that your support has helped our local community, and the positive feedback we've received is gratifying. We thank all donors, and especially the Rapp Family Foundation for supporting this effort. More about this program here.


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A reminder that our annual meeting is this Wednesday at Mineshaft in Hamilton! Hope to see you there! ... See MoreSee Less

A reminder that our annual meeting is this Wednesday at Mineshaft in Hamilton! Hope to see you there!
4 months ago
Bitterroot Climate Action Group

Definitely one of our most fun events!
Join us as we raise a glass or two.
#ClimateAction #highergroundbrewingco #highergroundbrewery #hamiltonmontana #mtbeer #pintnight
... See MoreSee Less

Definitely one of our most fun events!
Join us as we raise a glass or two.
#climateaction #highergroundbrewingco #highergroundbrewery #hamiltonmontana #mtbeer #pintnight

Hello friends in the Bitterroot! We look forward to seeing you this weekend for our fall highway clean up and please don't forget to invite a friend! We will be meeting at the Wally Crawford fishing access at 10 and will be finishing up at noon. ... See MoreSee Less

Hello friends in the Bitterroot! We look forward to seeing you this weekend for our fall highway clean up and please dont forget to invite a friend! We will be meeting at the Wally Crawford fishing access at 10 and will be finishing up at noon.

1 CommentComment on Facebook

That’s SATURDAY morning at 10:00 am!

BCAG has a few upcoming events in October that we would like to invite you to!

We are starting off with our fall highway cleanup which is happening October 5th from 10am-noon! It is way more fun with others so please invite a friend and be ready to meet new friends! We will be meeting at the Wally Crawford fishing access.

October 17th from 5-8 will be our annual Pint Night at Higherground Brewery!

Lastly, we will be having our BCAG Annual Meeting on Wednesday, October 23 from 530-730 at Mineshaft in Hamilton. We will be looking to fill board member positions so if you are interested in being more involved please reach out!

We look forward to seeing you this October!
... See MoreSee Less

BCAG has a few upcoming events in October that we would like to invite you to!

We are starting off with our fall highway cleanup which is happening October 5th from 10am-noon! It is way more fun with others so please invite a friend and be ready to meet new friends! We will be meeting at the Wally Crawford fishing access.

October 17th from 5-8 will be our annual Pint Night at Higherground Brewery!

Lastly, we will be having our BCAG Annual Meeting on Wednesday, October 23 from 530-730 at Mineshaft in Hamilton.  We will be looking to fill board member positions so if you are interested in being more involved please reach out!

We look forward to seeing you this October!

Have you heard a lot of contradictory information about climate change?
- Is it happening?
- If it is happening, is it natural or human caused?
- Is it really a crisis?

Please join us on September 6th at the Hamilton High School Performing Arts Center for a talk and Q&A session with Nobel Prize co-recipient and UM climate scientist Steve Running. Make sure to bring your toughest questions and let’s learn together!
... See MoreSee Less

Have you heard a lot of contradictory information about climate change?
- Is it happening?
- If it is happening, is it natural or human caused? 
- Is it really a crisis? 

Please join us on September 6th at the Hamilton High School Performing Arts Center for a talk and Q&A session with Nobel Prize co-recipient and UM climate scientist Steve Running. Make sure to bring your toughest questions and let’s learn together!

20 CommentsComment on Facebook

Best of luck on your presentation. One of the questions should be changed to "Is it natural, human caused, or a bit of both?" Then, regardless of the answer to that question, "Is there anything mankind can do to lessen the impact?"

I’m glad Lake Missoula and the glaciers in the west side canyons have “disappeared”! A good geology class wouldn’t hurt a lot of people.

There will no mention of the severe solar flares we have been receiving in the past year, nor the huge Tongan Volcano in the pacific in 2022.

Go watch the latest podcast of Greg Braden with Danica Patrick

Is this from 1975?

Does the reconstruction and rebuilding of massively destroyed war zones add to the problem because of emissions? You know, logging, sawmills, concrete production, transporting materials, etc.. OR should we leave them in ruins to save the environment?

Climate Change is real. The Climate has been changing since the birth of the earth! Sometimes hotter, sometimes colder, but how much control does man have over this? We have only recorded the Earth's temperature for about 100-200 years out of the 4.5 Billion Years the Earth has been in existence.

If climate is changing it's not because of CO2.

The level of evidence for contemporary climate change assertions ranks at the lower end of quality. I view it as "expert opinion", which occupies rock bottom in the quality hierarchy.

Climate change is a misleading term. The word climate already implies change. The Greens refuse to debate. Tell me one high profile climate debate in the last decade?

/s Always great to see we have so many Phds in the valley. /s science.nasa.gov/climate-change/faq/do-scientists-agree-on-climate-change/

Rather than speeches, I would appreciate debates. I’d suggest Steve Running debate Bjorn Lomborg of Copenhagen Consensus Center (which includes 7 Nobel laureates); more info here: www.hoover.org/profiles/bjorn-lomborg

Both the casdemic and climate scam pretend to control the uncontrollable for simple greed…

I hope all those with questions about human caused, rapid climate change will attend. skepticalscience.com/

Stop the spray. The Dimming on ytub will open any honest persons eyes to truth of climate groups

It's BS. It's all about people control. The earth has been going through changes since I was made

What is it this month the.climate calls it. Warming cooling Florida is under water the ice is melting in the south pole but in reality there's more ice then usual. We only have 10 yrs left before bad things really happen and they said that over 20 yrs ago. Most of us know it's about people control. Many countries are laughing there asses off because of the fools we have herd



Just tell these crazy Climate change people, to go visit, an active Volcano

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Mark your calendar! January 24th we want to see you in Helena for Climate Advocacy Day! Thank you  @livableclimate for organizing this!

Mark your calendar! January 24th we want to see you in Helena for Climate Advocacy Day! Thank you @livableclimate for organizing this! ...

10 0
The Grange is having their Musical Potlucks with a Purpose on Friday, January 10th to help benefit the Bitterroot Climate Action Group.  The potluck starts at 6 and Release the Squirrels is the band that will be playing from 7-10.  There is a suggested donation of $10 and the location is at Rocky Moutain Grange #116, 1436 S. 1st in Hamilton.

BCAG hopes to see you there!

The Grange is having their Musical Potlucks with a Purpose on Friday, January 10th to help benefit the Bitterroot Climate Action Group. The potluck starts at 6 and Release the Squirrels is the band that will be playing from 7-10. There is a suggested donation of $10 and the location is at Rocky Moutain Grange #116, 1436 S. 1st in Hamilton.

BCAG hopes to see you there!

3 0
A reminder that our annual meeting is this Wednesday at Mineshaft in Hamilton! Hope to see you there!

A reminder that our annual meeting is this Wednesday at Mineshaft in Hamilton! Hope to see you there! ...

4 0
Definitely one of our most fun events! Join us as we raise a glass or two.
#climateaction #highergroundbrewingco #highergroundbrewery #hamiltonmontana #mtbeer #pintnight

Definitely one of our most fun events! Join us as we raise a glass or two.
#climateaction #highergroundbrewingco #highergroundbrewery #hamiltonmontana #mtbeer #pintnight

3 0
Hello friends in the Bitterroot! Don't forget to bring your friends this weekend to help BCAG with our fall highway cleanup. We will meet at the Wally Crawford fishing access this Saturday from 10 to noon. We look forward to seeing you there!

Hello friends in the Bitterroot! Don`t forget to bring your friends this weekend to help BCAG with our fall highway cleanup. We will meet at the Wally Crawford fishing access this Saturday from 10 to noon. We look forward to seeing you there! ...

2 0
BCAG has some upcoming events in October that we would like to invite you to!

We are starting off with our fall highway cleanup which is happening October 5th from 10am-noon! It is way more fun with others so please invite a friend and be ready to meet new friends! We will be meeting at the Wally Crawford fishing access.

October 17th from 5-8 will be our annual Pint Night at Higherground Brewery!

Lastly, we will be having our BCAG Annual Meeting on Wednesday, October 23 from 530-730 at Mineshaft in Hamilton.  We will be looking to fill board member positions so if you are interested in being more involved please reach out!

We look forward to seeing you this October!

BCAG has some upcoming events in October that we would like to invite you to!

We are starting off with our fall highway cleanup which is happening October 5th from 10am-noon! It is way more fun with others so please invite a friend and be ready to meet new friends! We will be meeting at the Wally Crawford fishing access.

October 17th from 5-8 will be our annual Pint Night at Higherground Brewery!

Lastly, we will be having our BCAG Annual Meeting on Wednesday, October 23 from 530-730 at Mineshaft in Hamilton. We will be looking to fill board member positions so if you are interested in being more involved please reach out!

We look forward to seeing you this October!

5 0
Thank you to everyone who came out last night to listen to Dr. Steven Running speak to us about the science of climate change. Everyone at BCAG was really impressed with how engaged everyone was with the Q&A after! Dr. Running said they were some of the best questions he has had in his years of doing events like this! Ravalli county, you make us proud! Let's start organizing for a better future together!

Thank you to everyone who came out last night to listen to Dr. Steven Running speak to us about the science of climate change. Everyone at BCAG was really impressed with how engaged everyone was with the Q&A after! Dr. Running said they were some of the best questions he has had in his years of doing events like this! Ravalli county, you make us proud! Let`s start organizing for a better future together! ...

24 0
Have you heard a lot of contradictory information about climate change?
- Is it happening?
- If it is happening, is it natural or human caused? 
- Is it really a crisis? 

Please join us on September 6th at the Hamilton High School Performing Arts Center for a talk and Q&A session with Nobel Prize co-recipient and UM climate scientist Steve Running. Make sure to bring your toughest questions and let’s learn together!

Have you heard a lot of contradictory information about climate change?
- Is it happening?
- If it is happening, is it natural or human caused?
- Is it really a crisis?

Please join us on September 6th at the Hamilton High School Performing Arts Center for a talk and Q&A session with Nobel Prize co-recipient and UM climate scientist Steve Running. Make sure to bring your toughest questions and let’s learn together!

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