
BCAG completes distribution of thousands of dollars worth of HEPA filters

Seniors and/or medically challenged individuals and households have received a total of 45 HEPA units for this year's fire season at no charge to them through private contributions and a grant from the Rapp Family Foundation.

This sustainable program (BCAG also makes replacement filters at no additional charge) is one of the ways that your support has helped our local community, and the positive feedback we've received is gratifying. Thanks to all donors, and especially to the Rapp Family Foundation for supporting this effort. More about this program here.


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Do you believe that rapid climate change is real or that it is blown out of proportion?

Whatever side you're on regarding that question, we all live on this planet together and they aren’t making more of them. We are truly all in this together and it is critical we get this right. At the very least, we in the Bitterroot face increased heat, wildfires and drought - climate change related or not.

Please join us on September 6th at the Hamilton High School Performing Arts Center for a talk and Q&A session with Nobel Prize co-recipient and UM climate scientist Steve Running. What is consistent with the evidence?
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Do you believe that rapid climate change is real or that it is blown out of proportion?  

Whatever side youre on regarding that question, we all live on this planet together and they aren’t making more of them. We are truly all in this together and it is critical we get this right. At the very least, we in the Bitterroot face increased heat, wildfires and drought - climate change related or not.

Please join us on September 6th at the Hamilton High School Performing Arts Center for a talk and Q&A session with Nobel Prize co-recipient and UM climate scientist Steve Running. What is consistent with the evidence?

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How’d it go? Turnout?

Perhaps rapid climate change isn’t real. But what if it is?

What if it were very real and there was something we could have done about it?

Perhaps we are too old to see the effects of our actions or inaction, but what about our children and grandchildren?
Perhaps the worst effects of climate change won’t happen for 50 or 100 years, but what kind of future does that leave our heirs?

Please join us on September 6th at the Hamilton High School Performing Arts Center for a talk and Q&A session with Nobel Prize co-recipient and UM climate scientist Steve Running. What does the science say?
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Perhaps rapid climate change isn’t real. But what if it is? 

What if it were very real and there was something we could have done about it? 

Perhaps we are too old to see the effects of our actions or inaction, but what about our children and grandchildren? 
Perhaps the worst effects of climate change won’t happen for 50 or 100 years, but what kind of future does that leave our heirs? 

Please join us on September 6th at the Hamilton High School Performing Arts Center for a talk and Q&A session with Nobel Prize co-recipient and UM climate scientist Steve Running. What does the science say?

The weather has been “interesting”. Do “100 year” heat waves, fires, storms and floods seem to be happening every couple of years?
Is this being caused by rapid Climate Change?

Please join us on September 6th at the Hamilton High School Performing Arts Center for a talk and Q&A session with Nobel Prize co-recipient and UM climate scientist Steve Running. What does the science say?
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The weather has been “interesting”.  Do “100 year” heat waves, fires, storms and floods seem to be happening every couple of years?  
Is this being caused by rapid Climate Change? 

Please join us on September 6th at the Hamilton High School Performing Arts Center for a talk and Q&A session with Nobel Prize co-recipient and UM climate scientist Steve Running. What does the science say?

Have you heard a lot of contradictory information about climate change?
- Is it happening?
- If it is happening, is it natural or human caused?
- Is it really a crisis?

Please join us on September 6th at the Hamilton High School Performing Arts Center for a talk and Q&A session with Nobel Prize co-recipient and UM climate scientist Steve Running. Make sure to bring your toughest questions and let’s learn together!
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Have you heard a lot of contradictory information about climate change?
- Is it happening?
- If it is happening, is it natural or human caused? 
- Is it really a crisis? 

Please join us on September 6th at the Hamilton High School Performing Arts Center for a talk and Q&A session with Nobel Prize co-recipient and UM climate scientist Steve Running. Make sure to bring your toughest questions and let’s learn together!

20 CommentsComment on Facebook

Best of luck on your presentation. One of the questions should be changed to "Is it natural, human caused, or a bit of both?" Then, regardless of the answer to that question, "Is there anything mankind can do to lessen the impact?"

I’m glad Lake Missoula and the glaciers in the west side canyons have “disappeared”! A good geology class wouldn’t hurt a lot of people.

There will no mention of the severe solar flares we have been receiving in the past year, nor the huge Tongan Volcano in the pacific in 2022.

Go watch the latest podcast of Greg Braden with Danica Patrick

Is this from 1975?

Does the reconstruction and rebuilding of massively destroyed war zones add to the problem because of emissions? You know, logging, sawmills, concrete production, transporting materials, etc.. OR should we leave them in ruins to save the environment?

Climate Change is real. The Climate has been changing since the birth of the earth! Sometimes hotter, sometimes colder, but how much control does man have over this? We have only recorded the Earth's temperature for about 100-200 years out of the 4.5 Billion Years the Earth has been in existence.

If climate is changing it's not because of CO2.

The level of evidence for contemporary climate change assertions ranks at the lower end of quality. I view it as "expert opinion", which occupies rock bottom in the quality hierarchy.

Climate change is a misleading term. The word climate already implies change. The Greens refuse to debate. Tell me one high profile climate debate in the last decade?

/s Always great to see we have so many Phds in the valley. /s science.nasa.gov/climate-change/faq/do-scientists-agree-on-climate-change/

Rather than speeches, I would appreciate debates. I’d suggest Steve Running debate Bjorn Lomborg of Copenhagen Consensus Center (which includes 7 Nobel laureates); more info here: www.hoover.org/profiles/bjorn-lomborg

Both the casdemic and climate scam pretend to control the uncontrollable for simple greed…

I hope all those with questions about human caused, rapid climate change will attend. skepticalscience.com/

Stop the spray. The Dimming on ytub will open any honest persons eyes to truth of climate groups

It's BS. It's all about people control. The earth has been going through changes since I was made

What is it this month the.climate calls it. Warming cooling Florida is under water the ice is melting in the south pole but in reality there's more ice then usual. We only have 10 yrs left before bad things really happen and they said that over 20 yrs ago. Most of us know it's about people control. Many countries are laughing there asses off because of the fools we have herd



Just tell these crazy Climate change people, to go visit, an active Volcano

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Mark your calendars now and join us for a free presentation by Nobel Peace Prize Co-recipient Dr. Steve Running on climate change and what the science says. Attendees will be invited to participate in an open Q&A.
- Hamilton Performing Arts Center
- Friday, September 6th at 7 PM.
Hosted by the Bitterroot Climate Action Group.
For more information, contact John at 406-370-3230.
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Mark your calendars now and join us for a free presentation by Nobel Peace Prize Co-recipient Dr. Steve Running on climate change and what the science says. Attendees will be invited to participate in an open Q&A. 
- Hamilton Performing Arts Center 
- Friday, September 6th at 7 PM. 
Hosted by the Bitterroot Climate Action Group. 
For more information, contact John at 406-370-3230.

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

How many times have you gone to something like this and thought: I wish the people who really need to hear this were here. Tell your friends and those who perhaps aren't sure about the realty or severity of rapid climate change.

I love this! I can't wait to learn so much from Dr Running!

As I have previously commented. Dr. Running made at least two presentations to large audiences at the Bitter Root Valley Historical Society's SUNDAY SERIES in the 1990's. Youe efforts are commendable but far too tardy. If yesterday's windstorm is not enough to open the eyes of the non woke, nothing will. I make a monthly donation to Bitter Root Climate Action. So far I am not impressed with what they have done with it.

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Mark your calendars now and join us for a free presentation by Nobel Peace Prize Co-recipient Dr. Steve Running on climate change and what the science says. Attendees will be invited to participate in an open Q&A. 
- Hamilton Performing Arts Center 
- Friday, September 6th at 7 PM. 
Hosted by the Bitterroot Climate Action Group. 
For more information, contact John at 406-370-3230.

Mark your calendars now and join us for a free presentation by Nobel Peace Prize Co-recipient Dr. Steve Running on climate change and what the science says. Attendees will be invited to participate in an open Q&A.
- Hamilton Performing Arts Center
- Friday, September 6th at 7 PM.
Hosted by the Bitterroot Climate Action Group.
For more information, contact John at 406-370-3230.

Mark your calendars for Friday Sept 6th at 7.  BCAG is excited to hear from Nobel Peace Prize winner Dr. Steve Running about what science says about climate change.  This is a great opportunity for everyone to learn and we hope you are excited too! There will be a Q&A at the end of the presentation.

Mark your calendars for Friday Sept 6th at 7. BCAG is excited to hear from Nobel Peace Prize winner Dr. Steve Running about what science says about climate change. This is a great opportunity for everyone to learn and we hope you are excited too! There will be a Q&A at the end of the presentation. ...

The Green Home Tour - heat pumps and solar power

On Saturday June 22 starting at 10 you can ask the experts and learn more. Both sites will be north of Stevensville.

1. First site will be a tour of air source heat pumps for heating and cooling which will be at 4794 Hoblitt Lane by John Anderson from Anderson's Heating and Cooling of Missoula.

2. Second site will be a tour about solar panels at 436 Red Fox Lane around noon by Chris Daum of Oasis Montana.

For more details visit https://bitterrootcag.org/event/green-home-tour/

The Green Home Tour - heat pumps and solar power

On Saturday June 22 starting at 10 you can ask the experts and learn more. Both sites will be north of Stevensville.

1. First site will be a tour of air source heat pumps for heating and cooling which will be at 4794 Hoblitt Lane by John Anderson from Anderson`s Heating and Cooling of Missoula.

2. Second site will be a tour about solar panels at 436 Red Fox Lane around noon by Chris Daum of Oasis Montana.

For more details visit https://bitterrootcag.org/event/green-home-tour/

Hello Bitterroot community! We have an amazing volunteer opportunity on Saturday May 4th from 10 am - noon.  We will be doing our annual highways trash pick up from mile marker 35-37.

Everyone is planning on meeting at the Wally Crawford fishing access south of Hamilton.  Please bring gloves, water, and snacks as well as a bright vest if you happen to have one!

Diane Lee is leading this effort and we would like for you to let us know if you are joining by emailing us through our website at BitterrootCAG.org/project-sign-up/

We look forward to seeing you there!

Hello Bitterroot community! We have an amazing volunteer opportunity on Saturday May 4th from 10 am - noon. We will be doing our annual highways trash pick up from mile marker 35-37.

Everyone is planning on meeting at the Wally Crawford fishing access south of Hamilton. Please bring gloves, water, and snacks as well as a bright vest if you happen to have one!

Diane Lee is leading this effort and we would like for you to let us know if you are joining by emailing us through our website at BitterrootCAG.org/project-sign-up/

We look forward to seeing you there!

The BCAG highway clean up day is going to be Saturday May 4th at 10 am! We are meeting at the Wally fishing access in Hamilton.  We are looking forward to spending time with the community and doing a good deed while we  socialize! Please come out if you have some free time!

The BCAG highway clean up day is going to be Saturday May 4th at 10 am! We are meeting at the Wally fishing access in Hamilton. We are looking forward to spending time with the community and doing a good deed while we socialize! Please come out if you have some free time! ...

Did you know Hamilton High School has won the Montana Envirothon in 21' 22' & 23'? Come cheer them on Thursday April 18th from 7-830 at the Hamilton High School Library as they prepare for state competitions on climate solutions!

Did you know Hamilton High School has won the Montana Envirothon in 21` 22` & 23`? Come cheer them on Thursday April 18th from 7-830 at the Hamilton High School Library as they prepare for state competitions on climate solutions! ...

A friendly reminder that tomorrow is the Victor Community Garden annual work day! Hope to see you there at 10 AM!

Visit the BitterrootCAG.org website to learn more!

A friendly reminder that tomorrow is the Victor Community Garden annual work day! Hope to see you there at 10 AM!

Visit the BitterrootCAG.org website to learn more!

Fire in the Root has an event coming up this Saturday for anyone who is interested! In time to learn about proper debris burning for this springs clean up season.

Fire in the Root was a major contributor to the Resilience Forum we held in the fall and this workshop helps answer some of the questions that were asked about reducing smoke for better air quality! There is also a chance to win an air purifier!

Fire in the Root has an event coming up this Saturday for anyone who is interested! In time to learn about proper debris burning for this springs clean up season.

Fire in the Root was a major contributor to the Resilience Forum we held in the fall and this workshop helps answer some of the questions that were asked about reducing smoke for better air quality! There is also a chance to win an air purifier!

Thursday, April 18th at 7pm we are helping host the yearly Youth in the Bitterroot Envirothon Showcase at the Hamilton fairgrounds!

Come out and support the hard working youth in their efforts to create a bright future! Looking forward to seeing you there!

Address of the event is : 327 Fairgrounds Rd, Hamilton, MT 59840

Thursday, April 18th at 7pm we are helping host the yearly Youth in the Bitterroot Envirothon Showcase at the Hamilton fairgrounds!

Come out and support the hard working youth in their efforts to create a bright future! Looking forward to seeing you there!

Address of the event is : 327 Fairgrounds Rd, Hamilton, MT 59840

The Bitterroot's own Climate Victory garden is getting ready for planting!

Our annual work day will be Saturday, April 13th at 10 AM. 

Check out the BCAG website at BitterrootCAG.org to find out more information and sign up for a plot!

The Bitterroot`s own Climate Victory garden is getting ready for planting!

Our annual work day will be Saturday, April 13th at 10 AM.

Check out the BCAG website at BitterrootCAG.org to find out more information and sign up for a plot!