In late 2020, a BCAG committee of local scientists and experts researched and created a science paper entitled "Climate Resiliency in the Bitterroot Valley: A Science Primer for Ravalli County." This primer is designed to provide basic information to participants in the Resiliency Planning
process. It has three parts:
1. A brief overview of Ravalli County, including physical setting and demographics,
infrastructure, and economy.
2. Climate change predictions specific to Ravalli County, drawn from the Montana Climate
Assessment and other sources.
3. Description of the implications of the climate change predictions for the County’s
environment and natural systems, agriculture, human health, and economy.
BCAG thanks authors Kit Tilly, Hillery Daily, John Schneeberger, Wyatt Day, with Contributors/Reviewers and Researchers
Lori Byron, Robert Byron, Russ Lawrence, Gina MacIlwraith, Nick Silverman, Cobey Williamson. To download the document as a .pdf file click here. The full document is presented below.