Resources & Further Reading


Our Science Committee has assembled this array of links and information so that we may all learn about this issue and each decide where best to make our efforts to mitigate this crisis. Some of these links may require subscriptions to the media source to view more than a few articles. 

Be sure to check out the resources available from our friends at Climate Smart Missoula.

Electrify Missoula is a wonderful resource to learn about why an all-electric society is so important and how you can help achieve it.

The New York Times has a climate change newsletter.  Sign up here.

Nothing is Standard Anymore” – Climate Change Influences the Missoula AreaThe Missoulian 02/02/2020

NASA’s global climate change site has facts, articles, solutions, and resources, with amazing graphics

How much of global warming is attributed to humans – a scientific analysis

Atmospheric gases contributing to global warming and human contribution to these gases

Bill Nye, The Science Guy, teams up with National Geographic to explain climate change in an understandable format

A concise and easy to read summary of causes and effects of global warming – Natural Resources Defense Council

Climate Change 101 – your basic climate change questions are answered, by the Natural Resources Defense Council

Time Magazine’s look into the future:  life on earth in the year 2050

This article exposes the myth that climate change is not happening and is not human caused.  It opens with a letter signed by 500 “experts” refuting climate change with responses to each of these claims by several renowned  climatologists.

These next IPCC documents require bringing up the IPCC publication and then clicking download to view the actual article:

A comprehensive analysis of causes and detection of climate change

Summary of the need to minimize global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius to avoid serious long term consequences

What can we do about climate change?

Taking action to combat global warming can be daunting. The threat is enormous and much of the problem is out of our control. Despite this, individuals have many possible avenues to influence the path of the world. In this section, we provide descriptions of actions for people who want to reduce their carbon footprints and to deal with some of the consequences of global warming. We also provide information about how to influence businesses and governments to take larger and more far-reaching steps.

BBC: Ten Ways to Act on Climate Change

INDIVIDUAL Solutions to Climate Change – The Years Project

How You Can Stop Global Warming

Some more general solutions:

This site provides quantification for the reductions in carbon that their solutions would provide. They also have a book, called Drawdown.

10 climate solutions that will help us fight back

Climate Solutions – The Washington Post

Climate Solutions | USDA – This site specifically addresses agriculture and forestry

And here is a scientific study that addresses “natural climate solutions,” which are ways to alter land management practices to affect climate change

This section includes links to governmental and non-governmental reports and tools documenting important impacts resulting from climate change.

USDA 2021 Action Plan for Climate Adaptation and Resilience

Latest National Climate Assessment for the US, demonstrating that emissions are increasing

Link to full emissions gap report from the UN

Timeline of important events in recognition of human caused global warming

The missing economic risks in assessments of climate change impacts International report finding that economic costs of climate change have been consistently underreported. Summary points comprise good bulleted list of reasons for this.

Effect of Climate Change on the Northern Rockies Region – Northern Rockies Adaptation Partnership (Federal agencies managing land in that region)

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the United Nations panel with the job of evaluating the science of climate change has a number of periodic and special reports on climate change.

The Montana Climate Assessment is a 2017 document detailing expected changes in Montana as a consequence of global warming.

The United Nations Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services released a Global Assessment Report that details unprecedented ecosystem declines and species extinctions occurring and likely to continue.