Bitterroot Climate Action Group is a 501(c)(3) public-benefit nonprofit organization. Your donations to BCAG may be federally tax deductible as charitable giving. You may make your gift online, or send us a check. If your donation is for a specific campaign or project, please indicate that in the comment line when you make your donation.
Click the PayPal button below to donate. You do not have to have a PayPal account to donate by credit card. And if we may be so bold, specifying a monthly donation is a great way to help support our ongoing work.
Or, to mail in your donation, send a check payable to "Bitterroot Climate Action Group" to:
Bitterroot Climate Action Group
P.O. Box 852
Hamilton, MT 59840.
We will send you an acknowledgement by mail or email which you can use in your tax preparation.
Please note that the link above will take you to PayPal's donation page, and you'll see both the Bitterroot Climate Action Group logo, and that the donation is being made to Sustainable Living Systems, which is our sister organization that holds the 501(c)(3).
Thank you for supporting meaningful work to mitigate and plan for climate change in Ravalli County, Montana!